Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Casa de "Waffle"

Howdy, decided to post about my schedule for the week. After getting back from SBCD, I'm kinda ready to make some money for school.

I'm only working 4 shifts. And so far not even the entire shift time. I work 2nd Wednesday (tomorrow) and Saturday from 5:00-9:00pm...which 2nd starts at 2:00. Then I'm only scheduled for 9:00pm-2:00am on Monday and Tuesday nights.

I'm hoping to talk to my manager about seeing if I can just stay the whole night, or at least until 4ish...and have my dad and brother pick me up. I can't walk home at that time and I rather not have to wake up my mom to come get me.
I figure God will take care of it. He really blessed me this past week at SBCD. Maybe if I have time sometime soon I'll talk about it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the waffles they were yummy!!! :-)