Saturday, January 31, 2009

My thoughts on Twilight among other things...

Well I have decided on this lovely Saturday to finally type out my thoughts on Twilight. The teenage vampire cycle written by a Mrs. Stephanie Myers. I have been meaning to do so for some time now, just with the hustle and bustle of school I have been far to busy to do so until now. Just so y'all know, I am doing this without an outline or any prompt of some kind....thought it would be nice to warn y'all. :-)

Ah...Twilight, well technically is the title of the first of the four book series. All the books were well written, I will give her that much. However the fact that it only took me maybe 3-4 days to read all 4, well I tend to prefer much more "meaty" writings. For example, Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, took me a little over 2 weeks to read. Now that was some good reading! Back to Twilight, I have decided to forgo any pleasantries of trying to not give you plot spoilers, for me to truly express myself I will have to reveal various parts of the plot. So if you haven't read Twilight and plan to in the near future, well maybe you should turn back now.

My main problem with Twilight is this: Twilight is an unrealistic portrayal of love. You have Bella a teenage girl, she moves to Fork, MN to live with her father. She meets this guy, Edward Cullen. Little does she know, he is actually a vampire. (A sparkly one at that...won't even go into my problems with that avaunt garde approach to Vampire Lore.) To summarize the first book, she is in love with Edward...why? Because he make her FEEL all tingly inside. she is a teenager, I will give her that much, most teenagers don't think to hard when it comes to "love" and things of that nature. But I think love should be more than a feeling. I know I sound like a cold-hearted person, but maybe I am just being even more romantic than Bella. If you love a guy, I think it should be based on something stronger than he makes your body go all mushy. To me, what Bella feels is lust, not love.

Another problem I have with Bella is this, she is way to negative about herself. She goes on and on about how she doesn't deserve Edward in the books. She practically sounds like she is mentally depressed the way she thinks in the book. I think this girl needs a spine replacement, and stat. A girl doesn't need to measure her worth by the guy...or in this case, vampire she is with at the time. If Bella was a real live girl, I would want to slap along side the head and try to explain to her how much she is truly worth. The reason being is we are created by God. God determines our worth, not our significant other. If God is willing to give up His only son for us...I think we might be worth more then what we realize.

Well the library is about to I am going to post this part now. Hopefully I will be able to put some more of my thoughts on Twilight up here soon. Hope y'all have a good weekend! :-)

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