Monday, August 27, 2007

Gardner-Webb Uni

Hi, I really am not a big poster...obviously. However, I wanted to let all my friends and family that I am still alive. GWU has been a very unique experience thus far. Some interesting information: I have 6 classes, English 101, ASL 201, Intro to Deaf Culture, English Processing for Interpreting, Honors Art Survey, and Honors Uni 101. (Uni 101 is a class every fresh person has to take, sorta a prepare you for college kind of class...) If you don't understand why it says honors...that's cause i was accepted into the honors program here at GWU.
I was elected a freshman class senator for the SGA. There are only 3 of them. I liked the odds better then trying for president, since there is only one of them.
it's kind of odd being in ASL 201 since all my classmates are sophomores, but it's okay, eventually i will have classes only with other ASL majors.
Been making a lot of friends, that was kind of one of the things you have to do to become elected, make friends, so that way your new found friends vote for you. the catch was...we only had one day to campaign. that's about it. i will try to keep y'all updated some more from Boiling Springs, NC.

1 comment:

Miamian said...

I'm sure you will do just fine this semester. Remember the folks at home are praying for you. Keep your eyes ahead as you follow His Spirit and guidance in your studies.
BTW Where's the purple thinking chair?